Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis 🎆💕💖🎂🍫🎉💐❤🌹
Birthday of our loved ones is one the special day for us & it's become more special if it's our beloved sister's birthday. A sister is our first friend of childhood, second mom, a support system, best guide, a shelter in life's tough situation. Let's celebrate her birthday & make her more special with this unique, special Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis. Share this Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis to your sis in WhatsApp, FB, Twitter & show your love to your sis.
1. I am the luckiest portion in the world because you are my sister. Happy birthday, sis!
2. You are adorable, caring and loving. Happy birthday Sister!
3. Wishing you a blessed birthday ever... Happy Birthday Sis
4. Do you know who is my best friend in the world? It is you sis. Happy birthday sis and enjoy the day.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
5. You are supper cool and know how to put a smile on my face when i am in a sullen mode. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis.
Birthday Status for Sister on WhatsApp
6. Hope your all dreams come true You have a brightest future all through your life May God always bless you with happiness, laugh & love Happy Birthday My Little Sis
7. You are the only portion in whom i can confide my secrets. You are not just my sister but also my best buddy. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
8. No one can understand me better than you do. Lucky to have such a lovely and caring sister like you. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sister.
9. You are precious and adorable. Happy birthday dear sister.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
10. You are first mate of my childhood Happy Birthday Sis You are the best gift of my life
11. Whenever you you need me I will be always there for you. Happy birthday Sister.
12. May you get successed in every step of your life & achieve whatever you want in your life... Happy Birthday My Sister
13. This year bring so many joyous festivals but non of them is as merry as your birthday. Happy birthday sis and always be happy.
Birthday Wishes for Sister Quotes
14. No gift is as valuable as gift of happiness and peace of mind. I wish that God gifts you these in abundance. Happy birthday sis.
Happy Birthday My Little Sis
16. I have many friend but none of these as precious as you my sister. Wishing you a very happy birthday.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
17. Thank you for supporting, understanding and caring for me. I love you dear sister. Happy birthday sis.
18. Happy Birthday My Lovely Sis May every birthday give you more blessings of love, happiness & laugh.
19. May your receive gift of wisdom and good helth. Wishing you a happy birthday Sis.
20. Dear sister you are precious to me and your birthday should be spacial to me. So let us get together and celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday sis.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
21. You are the only person who is always with me in life's ups &downs like a support, guardian & shelter that's my elder sister... Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Sister Funny
22. May you have plentiful of happiness and abundance of good fortune and a life time of joy. Wishing you a happy birthday Sis.
23. Dear sister thank you giving me love, care, and lots of joy in my life. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
24. My childhood incomplete & imperfect without you... You make me complete... Happy Birthday Sister
25. Wishing a very happy birthday to the most spacial person in my life. May God bless you, dear Sister.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
26. May you be over whelmed, with good wishes, rose and lovely gifts. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis.
27. Happy Birthday Sister. I Love You A Lot. Stay Blessed
28. I will always be by your side in good time ur bad. A very happy birthday Sis.
29. Dear sister if I have the power to gift the moon to you. I would do it. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister
30.My Dear Sister, we have another opportunity to celebrate birthday of our little angel Thank you God for giving us this gift
31. Wishing a very happy birthday to the most important member of family. Dear sister enjoy the day.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
32. Your birthday is here, so let the party begin. Wishing you very happy birthday Sis.
33. May everyday of your life light up with new dreams &you can make those dreams come into true
34. Wishing my awesome sister a very happy birthday. May you have wonderful day.
35. Sometimes we fight Sometimes we don't talk Always you are in my heart My Sister
Birthday Message for Younger Sister
36. Wishing you a very happy birthday filled with sweet moments and wonderful memories.
37. May this day is beginning of another wonderful year for you. May their be pleasant surprise and lots of joy and infinity of happiness. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
38. God may bright up your life with blessings & give you strength to face difficulties of life.
39. Thinking of you on your birthday and wishing you that brings happiness today and tomorrow.
40. I may not celebrating your spacial day with you but I want you to know that I am thinking of you and wishing you.
41. You are my childhood best friend & no one ever take your place in my life... Happy Birthday Sister
42. May this day bring countless joy and end less happiness. Happy birthday sis.
Happy Birthday to My Sister Message
43. The one and only day of your life when you were crying and our mother was laughing.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
44. Wishing an amazing day and wonderful things comes to you. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis
May I don't stay with you everytime but believe me I will always there for you every moment of life. I LOVE YOU SIS HAPPY BIRTHDAY
46. Thinking of you on your birthday and wishing you that the day bring lots of positive thing to you.
Birthday Status for Sister on WhatsApp
47. You may have a blessed life with sweet memories... Happy Birthday Lil Sis
48. A birthday is the just a first day of another 365 days journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.(Best 50 Birthday Status for Sis)
49. I love you my dear sister. Wishing you a very happy birthday Sis.
50. Happy Birthday SISTER. I Love You Forever.